Forum Opéra

Andrei Danilov, vainqueur de la 55e International Vocal Competition d’Hertogenbosch

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6 juillet 2022
Andrei Danilov, vainqueur de la 55e International Vocal Competition d’Hertogenbosch

Infos sur l’œuvre


Avec plusieurs récompenses dont le Grand Prix de la ville, le ténor russe Andrei Danilov est le grand vainqueur samedi dernier, 2 juillet, de la 55e International Vocal Competition de Bois-Le-Duc (Hertogenbosch en néerlandais). Voir ci-dessous le palmarès complet.

Grand Prix City of ’s-Hertogenbosch € 7,500
Winner: Andrei Danilov, tenor (Russia, 1988)

Opera Prize € 7,500
Winner: Andrei Danilov, tenor (Russia, 1988)

Toonkunst Oratorio Prize € 7,500
Winner: Bella Adamova, Mezzo-soprano (Czech Republic, 1992)

Wagner Prize of the Netherlands € 3,000 cash prize, plus € 2,000 scholarship prize
Winner: Sílvia Sequeira, Soprano (Portugal, 1992)

Staetshuys Fund Prize € 3,500
Winner: Stanisław Napierała, Tenor (Poland, 1997)
Second Prize for a Finalist in either the Opera or Oratorio category.

Young Talent prize of the Province of North Brabant € 3,500
Winner: Yurii Strakhov, Baritone (Ukraine, 2002)
The Young Talent Prize of the Province of North Brabant is awarded to a singer under the age of 25. The winner was chosen in the Semi-finals.

Van Riemsdijk Prize € 2.500
Winner: Linsey Coppens, Mezzo-soprano (Belgium, 1993)
Prize is awarded to the participant who best performs the prize song ‘Vermeer’s Gold’ by composer Bart Visman and lyricist Marc Pantus. 

Marianne Blok Prize € 2,000
Winner: Xueli Zhou, Soprano (China, 1992)
For the most musically gifted coloratura soprano. The winner was chosen in the Semi-finals.

ANED Fund Audience Prize € 1,500
Winner: Sílvia Sequeira, Soprano (Portugal, 1992)

Prize Association Friends of the IVC € 1,500
Winner: Irene Hoogveld, soprano (Netherlands, 1992)

Press Prize € 1,000
Winner: Andrei Danilov, tenor (Russia, 1988)

Junior Jury Prize € 500
Winner: Bella Adamova, mezzo-soprano (Czech Republic, 1992)



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Andrei Danilov  © DR

Infos sur l’œuvre


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